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Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Academic Calendar

snowflake iconAcademic Calendar for Year 2019-20
snowflake iconAcademic Calendar for Year 2018-19

Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)   (I and II Semester MPT)

I and II Semester MPT
Term / Semester Activity Date Month Working Days Sunday Public Holidays Field Work Total
I semester Start of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 1/8/2018 Aug. - - - - -
Phase I – teaching 01/8/18 to 5/9/18 Aug to Sept 28 5 3 - 36
Phase II - teaching 6/9/18 to 05/11/18 "Sept
Nov. "
48 9 4 - 61
Diwali Vacation "6/11/2018
Nov. - - 4 - 4
Phase III - teaching 10/11/18 to 18/11/18 Nov. 7 2 - - 9
Pre final Examination 19/11/18 to 27/11/18 Nov 6 1 2 - 9
Revision classes 28/11/18 to 13/12/18 Nov to Dec. 14 2 - - 16
Final Examination 14/12/18 to 29/12/18 Dec 13 2 1 - 16
Winter Vacation "30/12/18
Dec.18 & Jan.19 - 1 - 2 3
End of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 13/12/18 Dec - - - - -
Total 116 22 14 2 154
Second semester Start of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 2/1/2019 Jan - - - - -
Phase IV - teaching 2/1/19 to 21/2/19 Jan to Feb 42 7 2 - 51
Phase V - teaching 22/2/19 to 25/4/19 Feb to April 49 9 5 - 63
Pre final Examination 26/4/19 to 8/5/19 April to May 10 2 1 - 13
Revision classes 9/5/19 to 14/6/19 May to June 32 5 - - 37
Final Examination 15/6/19 to 30/6/19 June 13 3 - - 16
End of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 14/6/19 June - - - - -
Field work 1/7/19 to 31/7/19 July - 4 - 27 31
Total 146 30 8 27 211
Final Total 262 52 22 29 365
* Dates of commencement next semester will be intimated during final examination of respective semester.

Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)  (III and IV Semester MPT)

(III and IV Semester MPT)
Term / Semester Activity Date Month Working Days Sunday Public Holidays Field Work Total
First Term / semester Start of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 1/7/2018 Aug. - - - - -
Phase I – teaching 01/7/18 to 5/9/18 Aug to Sept 54 9 3 - 66
Phase II - teaching 6/9/18 to 05/11/18 "Sept
Nov. "
48 9 4 - 61
Diwali Vacation "6/11/2018
Nov. - - 4 - 4
Phase III - teaching 10/11/18 to 18/11/18 Nov. 7 2 - - 9
Pre final Examination 19/11/18 to 27/11/18 Nov 6 1 2 - 9
Revision classes 28/11/18 to 13/12/18 Nov to Dec. 14 2 - - 16
Final Examination 14/12/18 to 29/12/18 Dec 13 2 1 - 16
Winter Vacation "30/12/18
Dec.18 & Jan.19 - 1 - 2 3
End of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 13/12/18 Dec - - - - -
Total 142 26 14 2 184
Second Term / semester Start of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 2/1/2019 Jan - - - - -
Phase IV - teaching 2/1/19 to 21/2/19 Jan to Feb 43 7 2 - 52
Phase V - teaching 22/2/19 to 25/4/19 Feb to April 49 9 5 - 63
Pre final Examination 26/4/19 to 8/5/19 April to May 10 2 1 - 13
Revision classes 9/5/19 to 14/6/19 May to June 32 5 - - 37
Final Examination 15/6/19 to 30/6/19 June 13 3 - - 16
End of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 14/6/19 June - - - - -
Total 147 26 8 - 181
Final Total 289 52 22 2 365

(Annual Pattern - 2nd, 3rd, 4th BPT (Regular Batch))

Annual Pattern - 2nd, 3rd, 4th BPT (Regular Batch)
Semester Activity Date Month Working Days Sunday Public Holidays Vacation Total
First Term Start of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 1/7/2018 July - - - - -
Phase I – teaching 01/7/18 to 5/9/18 July to Sept. 54 10 3 - 67
Phase II - teaching 6/9/18 to 05/11/18 Sept to Nov. 48 9 4 - 61
Diwali Vacation "6/11/2018
Nov. - 1 4 1 6
Phase III - teaching 12/11/18 to 26/11/18 Nov 11 2 2 - 10
Revision Classes 27/11/18 to 20/12/18 Nov to Dec. 21 3 - - 24
Terminal Exams "21/12/18
Dec 7 1 1 - 9
Winter Vacation 30/12/18 to 01/01/2018 Dec.18 & Jan.19 - 1 - 2 3
End of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 20/12/18 Dec - - - - -
Total 141 27 14 3 185
Second Term Start of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 2/1/2019 Jan - - - - -
Phase IV - teaching 2/1/19 to 21/2/19 Jan to Feb 42 7 2 - 51
Phase V - teaching 22/2/19 to 14/4/19 Feb. to April 41 8 3 - 52
Pre final Examination 15/4/19 to 28/4/19 April 10 1 2 - 13
Revision classes 29/4/19 to 27/5/19 April to May 24 5 1 - 30
Final Examination 28/5/19 to 21/6/19 May to June 22 3 - - 25
End of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 27/5/19 May - - - - -
Summer Vacation* 22/6/19 to 30/6/19 June - 2 - 7 9
Total 139 26 8 7 180
Final Total 280 53 22 10 365
* Dates of commencement next academic year will be intimated during final examination of respective year.

Annual Pattern - 2nd, 3rd, 4th BPT (Odd Batch)

Annual Pattern - 2nd, 3rd, 4th BPT (Odd Batch)
Semester Activity Date Month Working Days Sunday Public Holidays Vacation Total
First Term Start of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 2/1/2018 Jan - - - - -
Phase I – teaching 2/1/18 to 20/03/2018 "Jan/Mar." 63 11 4 - 78
Phase II - teaching 21/3/2018 to 8/6/2018 Mar. / June 64 11 5 - 80
Revision Classes 9/6/2018 to 27/6/2018 June 15 3 1 - 19
Terminal Exams 28/6/2018 to 11/7/2018 June/ July 12 2 - - 14
Summer Vacation 12/7/2018 to 16/7/2018 July - 1 - 4 5
End of teaching for Ist Term / Semester 27/6/18 June - - - - -
Total 154 28 10 4 196
Second Term Start of teaching for IInd Term 17/7/2018 July - - - -
Phase III - teaching 17/7/2018 to 11/9/2018 July to Sept. 46 8 3 - 57
Phase IV - teaching 12/9/2018 to 15/10/2018 Sept. to Oct. 26 5 3 - 34
Pre final Examination 16/10/18 to 2/11/18 Oct. to Nov 15 2 1 - 18
Revision classes 3/11/18 to 6/12/18 Nov to Dec 23 5 6 - 34
Final Examination 7/12/18 to 20/12/18 Dec. 12 2 - - 14
End of teaching for IInd Term / Semester 6/12/2018 Dec. - - - - -
Winter Vacation 21/12/2018 to 01/01/2019 "Dec.
Jan. "
- 2 1 9 12
Total 122 24 14 9 169
Final Total 276 52 24 13 365
* Dates of commencement next academic year will be intimated during final examination of respective year.
snowflake iconAcademic Calendar for Year 2017-18