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Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Ph.D. Approval of Research Project

snowflake iconApproval of Research Topic of Ph. D. Candidates 2018-19 Batch
Sr. No. Name of the Scholar Approved Research Topic
1. Ms. Rasika Panse (Guide - Dr. Tushar J. Palekar) Effect of Telerehabilitation using Virtual Environment on motion sickness in children: Randomized Controlled trial
2. Ms. Bhini Semwal (Guide - Dr. Tushar J. Palekar) Ultrasonographic Analysis of Posterolateral Glide During Mobilisation with Movement in Conjoint Tendon Tendinosis of Glenohumeral Joint
3. Mr. Nigel Gonsalves (Guide - Dr. Tushar J. Palekar) Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy in individuals with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Randomized Controlled Trial
4. Ms. Vidhi Shah (Guide - Dr. Tushar J. Palekar) Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Bladder Function in Children with Primary Nocturnal Enuresis
5. Ms. Abha Khisty (Guide - Dr. Tushar J. Palekar) Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on cognitive impairment in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A Randomized Controlled Trial
6. Ms. Roopa Desai (Guide - Dr. Manisha Rathi) Effect of Kinetic Control and Lumbar Stabilization Exercises in patients with Mechanical Low Back Pain : A Comparative Study
7. Ms. Amita Aggarwal (Guide - Dr. Manisha Rathi) Effect of Myofascial Release of Shoulder Internal Rotators in patients with Idiopathic Frozen Shoulder
8. Ms. Jyothi K. P. (Guide - Dr. Manisha Rathi) Effect of Structured Exercises on Unilateral and Bilateral Total Knee Replacement with and without Posterior Cruciate Ligament : A comparative study
9. Ms. Swati Bhise (Guide - Dr. Manisha Rathi) Effect of Virtual Reality Training on Reaction Time, Balance and Functional Performance in Elderly : A Randomized Controlled Trial
10. Mr. Chinmaya Patra (Guide - Dr. Manisha Rathi) Efficacy of Myokinematics with Postural Restoration Techniques on Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain
11. Ms. Kiran Jeswani (Guide - Dr. Manisha Rathi) Effect of Graded Motor Imagery in patients with Lateral Epicondylalgia
12. Ms. Mrudula Sangaonkar (Guide - Dr. Gaurang Baxi) Effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in patients with Adhesive Capsulitis – A Randomized Controlled trial
13. Ms. Sanjivani Kamble (Guide - Dr. Gaurang Baxi) Effect of Dry Needling on Plantar Flexor Spasticity in Post-Stroke Individuals: A Randomized Controlled Trial
14. Ms. Divyaba Gohil (Guide - Dr. Gaurang Baxi) Effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Patients with Lumbar Spine Disk Herniation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
15. Ms. Mayura Deshmukh (Guide - Dr. Gaurang Baxi) Effect of Primal Reflex Release Technique and Clamshell Breathing Exercises on patients with Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
16. Mr. Ronald Prabhakar (Guide - Dr. Gaurang Baxi) Effect of Craniosacral Therapy in the Management of Migraine : A Randomized Controlled Trial
snowflake iconApproval of Research Topic of Ph. D. Candidates 2017-18 Batch
Sr. No. Ph.D. Scholar Ph.D.
Title of Thesis
1 Miss. Shilpa Khandare Dr. Tushar J. Palekar Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Spasticity of Lower Limb, Balance, Gait Parameters and Quality of life in Stroke Patients
2 Mr. M. Vijayakumar Dr. Tushar J. Palekar Exploration of a “Quadrant HOP Test” to detect Functional performance deficits with Knee Instability
3 Mrs. Preeti Gazbare Dr. Tushar J. Palekar Comparison of structured aerobic exercise and resistance training on cognitive function and stress in middle aged adults
4 Mrs. Reema Joshi Dr. Manisha Rathi Efficacy of Whole Body Vibration Training on Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength, Severity of Incontinence and Quality of Life in Females with Urinary Incontinence.
5 Mr. Soumik Basu Dr. Gaurang Baxi Comparative Study of Intramuscular Manual Therapy, Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and TENS on Myofascial Trigger Points on Trapezius Muscle