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Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-411018
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Scientific Presentation

Students and faculty of our college have presented their work at various platforms and have won prizes for paper presentations and poster presentations. Some of these are as follows:

Scientific Presentation 2025

snowflake icon Dr. Smita Shinde presented her paper at the 62nd National IAP Conference held at Nashik on 15th and 16th February, 2025, titled: A Content Validity of Blended Learning Approaches: Evidence from Community Physiotherapy Education View More

snowflake icon Dr. Smita Shinde presented her Paper titled "Assessment of Content Validity Index in Multiple -Choice Questionnaire- A dual lens of Students & Educators" at the ICPT NEURO CONFLUENCE 2025 held on 25th & 26th January 2025 at Terna Auditorium, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. View More

snowflake icon Dr. Abha Khisty presented a paper titled "Artificially Intelligent Physiotherapy: Physiotherapists Insights on AI" during the 9th Annual Conference- SIPCON 2025 at Vadodara, Gujrat from 10th to 12th January, 2025. View More

Scientific Presentation 2024

snowflake icon Dr. Smita Shinde presented her Paper ELECTROCON 2024 at the 1st National Electrotherapy Conference on 21st and 22nd December, 2024 at Maharashtra Institute of Physiotherapy, Latur. The title of her presentation was "POSTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE STIMULATION- A PANACEA FOR URGE INCONTINENCE- A PILOT STUDY" View More

snowflake icon Following MPT II Students presented scientific paper presentations at the 1st International Conference of IAP and IAPWC, Odisha during 14th to 15th December, 2024:
1. Kranti Kale, Title - Effect of Pilates on balance and sit to stand performance in Chronic Stroke patients: A Randomized controlled trial . View More
2. Shrutika Mate, Title:- Identifying factors affecting quality of life in Parkinson's disease. View More
3. Kranti Sable, Title :- Effect of cognitive training on freezing of gait in parkinson's disease by using FOG Questionnaire and TUG test. View More
4. Dhanashree Upganlawar, Title:- Enhancing post-stroke attention through Anodal Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): Insights from an experimental Study View More
5. Kratika Dubey: Effect of plantar vibration therapy on nerve conduction velocity of plantar nerve in diabetic neuropathy patients. View More

snowflake icon Dr. Seema Saini presented paper at the 14th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management- Circular Economy and and IPLA Global Forum on 28th November to 1st December, 2024. Title of Paper: Integrating Circular Economy Principles in Physiotherapy: Towards Sustainable Practices in Rehabilitation. View More

snowflake icon Dr. Seema Saini presented paper at the International Conference on Healthcare Robotics, Diagnosis, rehabilitation and therapy conducted at Vienna, Austria on 24th-25th December, 2024. Title: The impact of Gait assessment model on learning outcomes View More

snowflake icon Dr. Roopa Desai presented following papers:
1) Title: "Blood flood restriction training with short foot exercises on Muscle activation and Balance in Flexible flat feet: A pilot study"- Paper presentation at the 15th Scientifica National Physiotherapy Conference held from 15th to 17th November, 2024 by Sancheti Institute of Physiotherapy View More
2) Title: Effect of Suryanamaskar on lipid profile of people with different Body Mass Index: An experimental study" presented virtually at the 11th World Congress on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine during Nov 18-19, 2024 at Rome, Italy View More

snowflake icon Dr. Preeti Gazbare presented a paper at the National E Conference on STROKE PHYSIOTHERAPY NSPC24 on 1st December, 2024 at the VVVPF'S College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar. The title of her presentation was "Electrostimulation in Post Stroke Rehab: Impact of TENS and FES on ankle spasticity, mobility and gait dynamics. View More

snowflake icon Dr. Reema Joshi Presented Her Paper at the Asia Western Pacific Regional Congress 2024 Conducted at Bali, Indonesia on 26th to 27th September, 2024. The Title of Her Presentation Was "Efficacy of Whole Body Vibration Training on Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength, Severity of Incontinence and Quality of Life in Female With Stress Urinary Incontinence-RCT
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snowflake icon Dr. Abha Khisty Presented a paper on "A Novel Hypotonia Rating Scale(HRS) to grade Hypotonia in neurological conditions: Expert Insights on its application" at the at the National Conference on Disability and Rehabilitation 2024, (Virtual Mode) organized by VVPF's College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar on 25th and 26th September, 2024
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snowflake icon Dr. Roopa Desai Presented E-Oral Presentation, virtually, titled "Effect of Movement Control and Lumbar stabilization exercises on Pain and Core Muscle Activation in Mechanical Low Back Pain: A Comparative study" at Rehab Conclave: Bangkok 2024 organized by Bioleagues on 26th-27th September, 2024
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snowflake icon Dr. Roopa Desai Presented a paper on "Immediate Impact of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Electrophysiological Changes of Abductor Hallucis in Flexible flatfeet" at the National Conference on Disability and Rehabilitation 2024, (Virtual Mode) organized by VVPF's College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar on 25th and 26th September, 2024
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snowflake icon Dr. Neha Kulkarni Presented a paper on "Influence of Kapalbhati and Specific Yoga asanas on Ovarian Volume and Testosterone levels in Females with PCOS" at the National Conference on Disability and Rehabilitation 2024, (Virtual Mode) organized by VVPF's College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar on 25th and 26th September, 2024
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snowflake icon Dr. Abha Kulkarni Presented a paper a scientific paper title "Beats to beat Diabetes: Efficacy of Music -Based Movement Therapy on Balance, Limits of Stability, Risk of Fall and Blood Profile in Patients with Early Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy" at the 8th International Diabetes Experts Consortium at JW Marriot, Pune from 5th to 7th July, 2024.
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snowflake icon Dr. Roopa Desai and Dr. Madhavi Kandarkar Presented papers at the ProContech 2024 National Physiotherapy Conference, conducted by Modern College of Physiotherapy on 25th and 26th April, 2024.

snowflake icon Dr. Abha Khisty Presented a paper at the Scientifica National Physiotherapy Conference 2024 on 17th and 18th February, 2024 organized by Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune

snowflake icon Dr. Tushar J Palekar, Dr. Gaurang Baxi and Dr Divya Gohil Presented papers at the National Conference of Indian Association of Physiotherapists at Dehradun, on 8th to 10th March, 2024

snowflake icon Dr. Seema Saini Presented research paper at the 5th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Sciences, Iraq on 5th and 6th March, 2024

snowflake iconDr. Tushar J. Palekar, Dr. Vijayakumar, Dr. Gaurang Baxi, Dr. Shilpa Khandare, Dr. Sanjivani Kamble and Dr. Divya Gohil presented papers at the SCIENTIFICA 2024, National Conference, Sancheti Institute of Physiotherapy, on 16th to 18th February, 2024

Scientific Presentation 2023

Following faculties presented a paper at the 1st International Conference on CBR-ICBR 2023 by MIPT, Latur

1. Dr. Bhagyashree Salekar presented a paper titled "Effect of functional exercises and Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation on pain and sleep quality in premenstrual syndrome" at the 1st International Conference on CBR-ICBR 2023 by MIPT, Latur on 14th October, 2023 View More

2.Dr.Abha Khisty presented a paper on "Evidence-based practice: is it a practice without implementation amomg Community physiotherapists" at 1st International Conference on CBR-ICBR 2023 by MIPT, Latur on 14th October, 2023 View More

Following faculties presented their Research Paper Presentations at the National E-Conference on "World Stroke Day" by DVVPF's College of Physiotherapy, Ahemdnagar on 12th October, 2023:

1. Dr. Preeti Gazbare presented on "The power of feedback in improving Motor Control in Ambulatory Stroke" View More

2. Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on "Osteoporosis in stroke patients: Impact of early physiotherapeutic intervention" View More

3. Dr. Abha Khisty presented on "Knowledge and Perception about warning signs and risk factors of Stroke in Older Adults" View More

Following faculties presented their Research Paper Presentations at the International Virtual Conference by DVVPF's College of Physiotherapy, Ahemdnagar on 12th October, 2023 :

1. Dr. Reema Joshi presented a paper on "Effect of Taichi and aerobic exercises on cognition, balance, cardiopulmonary fitness and quality of life in older adults" View More

2. Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on "Osteoporosis in stroke patients: Impact of early physiotherapeutic intervention" View More

Dr. Neha Kulkarni presented a paper on "Reliability of Digital Weighing Machine To assess Isometric Neck Muscle Strength in Healthy Adults: An Exploratory Study" at the International Conference on Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine" organized by Bioleagues on 21-22nd September, 2023. View More

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble and Dr. Amita Aggarwal presented research Papers at the 1st National Conference "Physiomanthan" organized by the IAP Women Cell at Delhi on 5th and 6th August, 2023. View More

Final Year BPT Students- Miss Sanjana Iyer and Miss Amisha Kashyap presented their E Posters at the 1st National Conference "Physiomanthan" organized by the IAP Women Cell at Delhi on 5th and 6th August, 2023. View More

Dr. Abha Khisty presented a paper on "Cognirehab: the good old exercises and refurbished transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" at the 7th International Diabetes Experts Consortium from 30th June to 2nd July 2023 at JW Marriot, Pune. View More

Following faculties and students presented at the World Physiotherapy Congress, Dubai, UAE on 2nd to 4th June, 2023:


Effect of scapular exercises on shooting performance in state -level archers: an Electromyography study .

Dr. Tushar Palekar


Reliability and validity of newly developed reaction time analyzer machine.

Dr. Manisha Rathi


Effectiveness of vibraphone versus elastic band exercises on abdominal strength among healthy young individuals .


Case -based inter professional learning for undergraduate healthcare students.

Dr. Seema Saini


Cognitive behaviour questionnaire in nonspecific chronic low back pain - development and validation


Identification of graduate attributes and core competencies for the 21st century Indian physiotherapist: A modified Delphi survey

Dr. Gaurang Baxi


Tai -chi or resistance training which is better to improve cognition and quality of life in elderly population.

Dr. Preeti Gazbare


Risk assessment and prevalence of mild cognitive impairment among normal middle adulthood: a cross - sectional survey in Pune city of India


Can whole body vibration tracing along with short foot exercise improve foot function in participants with flexible flatfeet?

Dr. Roopa Desai


Movement control exercises versus lumbar stabilization exercises on Feed forward activation in patients with mechanical low back pain


Back to being barefoot: kinematic adaptations to barefoot transition training amongst habitually shod endurance runners

Dr. Zafar Azeem


Are we doing enough to educate patients during home based therapeutic exercise in low back pain?-A qualitative study.


Effect of Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) on wrist flexor spasticity and motor function in stroke individuals.

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble


Additional effect of myofascial release of shoulder internal rotators on pain, range, disability and electromyography in frozen shoulder.

Dr. Amita Aggarwal


Tran’s cranial direct current stimulation (TDCS): A new approach to improve bladder functions in children with primary nocturnal enuresis (PNP).

Dr. Vidhi Shah


Effect of Pilates ring exercises on pelvic floor muscle in female with stress urinary incontinence –RCT.

Dr. Reema Joshi


Effect of pap worth breathing Re-Correction technique along with postural Re-correction in mouth breathing children.

Dr. Mayura Deshmukh


Primary Nocturnal Enuresis in children: Parental knowledge, Attitude and Perception

Ms. Meher Bhavsar


Effect of Novenary Asanas : A method to ameliorate pelvic strength and reduce frequency of bedwetting.

Ms. Akanksha Mittal

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented an E-Poster on "is the Berg Balance Scale appropriate for detecting fall risk in stroke survivors? " at the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis & Musculoskeletal Diseases at Barcelona, Spain conducted between 4th to 7th May, 2023.

Following students presented at SCIENTIFICA 2023, conducted by Sancheti College of Physiotherapy on 12th March, 2023:

Kaveri Bhandari, PG 2: Effect of kapalbhati and specific yoga asanas on Ovarian Volume Symptoms in PCOS.

Isha Madhani, PG 2: Breathing Dysfunction in adolescents with Forward Head Posture: An Observational study.

Khushboo Muthiyan, PG 2: Effect of Pilates vs Resistance Training on Physical Fitness in Older Adults.

Faculty Presentations:

Dr. Preeti Gazbare presented E Poster on "Effect of Structured Circuit Balance Training on Balance & Fall in Elderly Population: An Experimental Study" View More

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented E Poster on "Body weight assisted tread mill training's impact on Bone in Spinal Cord Injury" View More

Dr. Mrudula Sangaonkar presented E Poster on "Does the various types of grasps lead to occurrence of DeQuervains Tenosynovitis in children and Adolescents- A cross sectional study. View More

Student Presentations:

Ms. Aditi K. presented E Poster on "Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Functional Electrical Stimulation on Spasticity, Mobility, and Gait Parameters in Stroke Survivors" View More

Ms. Axuna P. presented E Poster on "Combination of dry needling and kinesio taping for hemiparetic shoulder pain and shoulder function: A case report" View More

Ms. Ayushi J. presented E Poster on "Effect of 3 Sessions of Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS) on Wrist Flexor Spasticity and Motor Function in Stroke Individual: A case study" View More


Ms. Rachna T. presented E Poster on "Putty Exercises versus Power Web Exercises: Which has better effect on hand grip, pinch strength and hand function in children with Down's Syndrome View More

Ms. Shiwani L. presented E Poster on "Efficacy of TENS and Conventional Physiotherapy in stroke patients with Hand Dysfunction". View More

Faculty Presentations:

Dr. Gaurang Baxi presented a paper on "Effect of Low frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on Body composition in Obese Individuals: a Single group Experimental study" at the 7th Annual Conference of Society of Indian Physiotherapists at Bhubaneshwar held on March 25th- 26th March, 2023 View More

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on "Is the Berg Balance Scale appropriate for balance assessment among Stroke patients?" at the Scientifica 2023 Conference on 12th March, 2023 organized by Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune View More

Dr. Mrudula Sangaonkar presented a paper at the International E- Conference organized by Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's Medical, Physiotherapy and Nursing College Conference on "Transformation in health science" on 3rd March, 2023 View More

Following faculties presented papers/poster at the Pravara Phyzion 2023 National Conference on 25th and 26th February, 2023

Dr. Bhagyashree Salekar presented a paper on "Corelation of Anthropometric measurements with agility performance in Amateur Roller Skaters" View More

Dr. Neelam Tejani presented a paper on "The effect of Oromotor and sensory treatment on persistent thumb sucking, basic feeding and swallowing in a toddler with Angelman Syndrome: A Case Report" View More

Dr. Seema Saini presented an e-paper "To Develop and Validate Cognitive Behavior Assessment Questionnaire (CBAQ) in Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain" at the APTA CSM, California on 23rd feb 2023 View More

Following Faculties has presented paper in 60th National IAP Conference held at Ahmedabad on 11th and 12th February, 2023.

Dr. Roopa Desai presented a paper on "Effect of Movement Retraining and Core Stabilization exercises on chronic mechanical low back pain patients: A Pilot Study". View More

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on "Spasticity in Stroke Survivors: The immediate impact of ultrasound guided dry needling". View More

Dr. Mayura Deshmukh presented a paper on "Does Muscle energy technique to Quadratus Lumborum influence pulmonary parameters in individuals with Non- Specific Low back Pain?". View More

Following Students has presented paper in 60th National IAP Conference held at Ahmedabad on 11th and 12th February, 2023.
Ms. Isha Madhani (MPT II) presented a paper on "Breathing dysfunctions in adolescents with forward head posture: An Observational Study" Ms. Isha Madhani (MPT II) Certificate

Ms. Aishwarya Panicker (MPT II) presented a poster on "Screening of Pen grasps and developing pain in the upper extremity experienced by youth" View More

Ms. Pooja Shah (MPT II) presented a paper on "Comparison between Quake and Acapella for airway clearance in Bronchiectasis" Ms. Pooja Shah (MPT II) Certificate

Ms. Nikita Muthiyan (MPT I) presented a paper on "Physical and Mental Health Issues in IT Professionals due to work from home during and after COVID-19 and awareness on benefits of physical activity" View More

Ms. Bhavisha Thakkar (MPT I) presented a paper on "Physiotherapy student's perception regarding online learning" View More

Ms. Pinal Munot (MPT I) presented a poster on "Awareness of career opportunities among Physiotherapy Students" View More

Scientific Presentation 2022

Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on "Assessment of Cognition and Motor Activity in Stroke survivors using International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core set" in International Classification of Functioning Symposium on 1st and 2nd December, 2022 held at AIMS, Mohali View More

faculties presented a paper at the 6th World Congress on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports medicine, Dubai, UAE held on 28th - 29th Nov. 2022:

Dr. Manisha Rathi – “Effects of various forms of aerobic exercise training on body composition in middle-aged female

Dr. Roopa Desai “Static and Dynamic Endurance in health asymptomatic individuals with age group 25-44 years” 

Dr. Seema Saini presented an E Poster on "Case-based interprofessional learning for undergraduate healthcare students" at ICON-IPEC-2022 held from 25th to 27th November 2022 organized by Centre for Transformative Learning, Manipal University College, Malaysia.  View More
Dr. Chaitanyaa Wani presented a paper on "Correlation between neck pain and hand grip strength in post delivered females" at LACTACON 2022 on 7th August, 2022. View More

Following faculties and student presented scientific papers at the 59th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Physiotherapists held at Kolkata, on 7th and 8th May, 2022

1. Dr. Pramod J. Palekar presented a paper on "Comparison between chest wall mobility exercises & PNF Technique in COPD

2. Ms. Mugdha Kulkarni, PG I student, presented a paper titled "Physical fitness among school children: an exploratory study using fitnessgram battery" Ms. Mugdha Kulkarni, PG I student Certificate

Following faculties and students presented scientific papers at the 6th Annual conference of the Society of Indian Physiotherapists, held at Chennai on 29th April to 1st May, 2022

1. Dr. Tushar Palekar,presented a paper on "Effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy on Pain and Hand Intrinsic Muscle strength in students with Nomophobia"

2. Dr. Gaurang Baxi presented a paper on "Identification of Graduate Attributes and core competencies for an Indian Physiotherapist: A Modified Delphi Survey". He also presented a paper on "Effects of Static vs dynamic myofascial decompression on gastrosoleus muscle power and latent trigger point pain
Dr. Gaurang Baxi certificate
Dr. Gaurang Baxi certificate

3. Ms. Sailee Pai Kanse presented a paper on "Prevalence of Psychosomatic pain and its correlation with anxiety, depression and insomnia in Young Adults- An observation study Ms. Sailee Pai Kanse certificate

Dr. Pallavi Desai presented paper titled “A Correlational study on agility and balance in Amateur racquet players in KINESIOCON 2022, National E Conference, organized by MAEER's Physiotherapy College, Talegaon Dabhade, on 7th and 8th April 2022.
Dr. Pallavi Desai certificate

Following Papers were presented at the SCIENTIFICA 2022, an international virtual research conference, organized by Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, on 12th and 13th March, 2022:

Dr. Amita Aggarwal presented a paper on Correlation of Work Posture With Cervical Flexor Strength Using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment Among IT Professionals.
Dr. Amita Aggarwal certificate

Ms. Siddhi Pokle, MPT II student, presented a paper on Immediate Effect of MET of Quadratus Lumborum on Electrophysiological Activity of Diaphragm in Individuals with Low Back Pain
Ms. Siddhi Pokle, MPT II student certificate

Ms. Merin Shaji, MPT II student, presented a paper on Hold-relax PNF Pectoral stretching in Covid-19 survivors: A Pilot study.
Ms. Merin Shaji, MPT II student certificate

Ms. Samriti Sharma, MPT II student, presented a paper on Visual Reaction time (VRT) in overweight adolescents: The Effect of Aerobic Exercises.
Ms. Samriti Sharma, MPT II student certificate

Dr. Roopa Desai presented research paper on "Immediate effect of Whole-Body Vibration Training on EMG activity of Intrinsic foot muscles in young adults with flexible flat Feet" at 2nd International E-Conference on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine on March 07-08, 2022 organized by United Research Forum, UK Dr. Roopa Desai certificate

Dr. Abha Khisty presented E-Poster on "Over the Air Rehab (OTA): A New Normal Trend In Physiotherapy" at 1st International Physiotherapy Conference organized by K J Somaiya Physiotherapy Academic and Research Conclave, Mumbai, on 12 th January, 2022 in Mumbai Dr. Abha Khisty certificate

Scientific Presentation 2021

Dr. Vidhi Shah presented a paper on "Aerospin:lung expiratory capacity measuring device for pre-schoolers" in ETHOS-2021 - International Bioethics and Medical Research Conference from 12th to 16th November, 2021 Dr. Vidhi Shah certificate

Dr. DIvya Gohil Presented E Poster on "Matrix Rhythm Therapy for low back pain" held on 1st August, 2021 in the International E Conference QUESTCON, organized by Sree Balaji College of Physiotherapy- BIHER and Exercise Testing and Prescription Dr. DIvya Gohil Certificate

Dr. Manisha Rathi presented a scientific paper titled “Physiotherapy Students attitude and approach towards treating patients with psychiatric illness” at Virtual conference on Physical Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine, Brazil on 15th - 16th October 2021
Dr. Manisha Rathi certificate

Dr. Abha Khisty Presented a paper on "Assessment of Kinesiophobhia in Acute Lumbar Spine Arthritis" at the National Conference on Arthritis conducted by DVVPF’s, College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar on 12th october, 2021. Dr. Abha Khisty certificate

Dr. Abha Khisty presented a paper on "Development of Comprehensive hand physiotherapy unit: Brainstorming teaching module in Hand Physiotherapy education" at the 8th Annual National COnference of Society of Hand Physiotherapy, India on 6th and 7th August, 2021.
Dr. Abha Khisty certificate

Dr Seema Saini presented a paper on "Role of Cognition in Chronic Low Back Pain: A Narrative Review" at the 2nd International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurology organized by International Association of Neuroscience and Bioleagues WorldWide held on 17th and 18th July, 2021.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Dr. Khyati Patole presented a paper on "Effect of Quadriceps Angle on static and dynamic balance in young adults: a correlational study" at the 2nd International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurology organized by International Association of Neuroscience and Bioleagues WorldWide held on 17th and 18th July, 2021.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Dr. Seema Saini presented a paper on "role of psychological distress, catastrophizing and fear avoidance belief in chronic low back pain cognitive impairment in chronic low back pain: clinical review" at Quadrans 2021- International Physiotherapy Virtual Conference held on 26th and 27th February, 2021 by KLE Institute of Physiotherapy, Belgavi
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Following faculties presented papers in Kinesiocon 2021, E-Conference organized by MAEER's Physiotherapy College, Talegaon on 16th-17th April, 2021:
1. Dr. Rhucha Rajapurkar presented a paper on "prevalence of SMS Thumb and its correlation with screen length and screen size in smartphone addicts"
Scientific Presentation Certificate
2. Dr. Chaitanyaa Wani presented a paper on "Prevalence of Musculoskeletal problems in females during lockdown period of COVID-19
Scientific Presentation Certificate
3. Dr. Khyati Patole presented a paper on "Effect of Myofascial Mobilization technique with Ultrasound versus Muscle energy technique with ultrasound in Chronic Osteoarthritis Knee"
Scientific Presentation Certificate
4. "Dr. Shivani Deshmukh presented a paper on "Influence of High BMI on motor proficiency of obese school going children"
Scientific Presentation Certificate
5. "Dr. Shilpa Khandare presented E Poster on "Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on plantar flexion spasticity, balance and gait in post stroke patients"
Dr. Shilpa Khandare certificate
6. "Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented E Poster on "Effect of Dry Needling on spasticity and static balance in stroke survivors: a pilot study"
Dr. Sanjivani Kamble certificate
Dr. Amita Aggarwal Certificate
6. "Dr. Mrudula Sangaonkar presented a paper on “Effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy on Pectoral minor tightness in Protracted shoulder"
Dr. Mrudula Sangaonkar certifiacate

Following staff presented an E-paper in 1st International Research E-Con 2021, organized by Indian Clinical Research Association (ICRA) and My Rehab Academy (INDIA), on 28-29 Aug. 2021.

  • Dr. Parita Kothari presented a paper on “"Effect of Muscle Energy Technique(MET) alone versus Muscle Energy Technique(MET) and breathing re-education on Pain,Posture and Thoracic Expansion in subjects with Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS)",
  • Dr. Vidhi Shah presented a paper on “Transcranial direct current stimulation : A new Approach to improve bladder functions in children with primary nocturnal enuresis- A Case series.
  1. Dr. Arya Varur presented paper on Effect of respiratory muscle stretch gymnastics and chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretch pattern technique on respiratory function and exercise capacity in elderly population. A Comparative study in Junior Professional Category in 1st Conference by IAPWC on 5th Sept. 2021
  2. Following staff presented e-paper in Neuraxis interconnect 2021- International
  3. Dr. Trupti Siddapur presented paper on The relationship between BMI and
  4. Dr. Rucha Chaudhari presented paper on the relationship of forearm girth

Conference organized by Physio help Institute, Ghaziabad on 22nd -29th September 2021
1. cognitions- A Correlational study
2. length with hand grip strength and endurance- A Correlational study

  1. Following faculties presented papers in Scientifica 2021, a virtual international Conference held on 27th-28th March, 2021 organized by Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune in association with MUHS, Nashik:
    1.  Dr. Gaurang Baxi presented a paper on "Knowledge, Attitude and practice amongst physiotherapists regarding their role in COVID-19: A National Survey".
    2. Dr. Vidhi Shah presented a paper on " Surface EMG as a tool for assessment of bladder function in children- with and without enuresis"
    3. Dr. Divya Gohil presented a paper on "Association between postural sway and foot posture in professional archers"
    4. Dr Abha Khisty presented a paper on "Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on cognition in type 2 Diabetes".
  2. Following PG students presented  papers in Scientifica 2021, a virtual international Conference held on 27th-28th March, 2021 organized by Sancheti College of Physiotherapy, Pune in association with MUHS, Nashik:
    1. Dipti Ahirekar, PG 1, presented a paper on "Effect of Thoracic Manipulation on Pulmonary Functions in Healthy Individuals"
    2. Padmaja Guruprasad, PG 2, Presented a paper on "Measurement and correlation of handspan and dexterity function in Pediatric Popularion"
    3. Pooja Pokharkar, PG 2, presented a paper on "Aerospin- Lung expiratory capacity measuring device for preschoolers. 
  3. Dr. Zafar Azeem, presented following State of the Art E Posters organized by World Physiotherapy Congress 2021, online, during 9th-11th April, 2021:
    1. Going Barefoot: Does it make a difference to sports performance in basketball?
    2. Change in joint kinematics and centre of pressure distribution during barbell squat performance under barefoot and shod condition.

Scientific Presentation : Rehab E Con 2021
  1. Following faculties presented scientific paper presentations in the REHAB E CON 2021, on 14th - 15th March, 2021 organized by LSFPEF college of Physiotherapy, Nigdi, Pune:
    1. Dr. Preeti Gazbare presented paper on " Risk Factor and Identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment among Normal middle aged adults" View Certificate
    2. Dr. Reema Joshi Presented a paper on "Effect Of Whole Body Vibration Training On Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength and Severity Of Incontinence In Females With Urinary Incontinence-A Pilot Study." View Certificate
    3. Dr. Neha Kulkarni Presented a paper on "Impact of stretching on Limit of Stability of Young Adults: A comparison between static and PNF stretching techniques"
    4. Dr. Amita Aggarwal presented a paper on "effect of myofascial mobilization using edge mobility tool on pain, disability and mobility in frozen shoulder"
  2. Following PG Students presented their scientific paper presentations in the REHAB E CON 2021, on 14th - 15th March, 2021 organized by LSFPEF college of Physiotherapy, Nigdi, Pune:
    1. Nikita Rathi presented a paper on " Diastasis Recti abdominis Muscle with Fitness-A case report"
    2. Sharvari Samant presented a paper on "Can waist to height ratio predict body fat?"
    3. Jigyasha Tanwar presented a paper on " effect of matrix rhythm therapy on dysmenorrhea"
    4. Namrata Mali presented a paper on "Incidence of scapular dyskinesia among chronic smart phone user in shoulder pain among young healthy adults"
  3. Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on "overview: effect of dry needling on post stroke - spasticity" in senior category in the National Research Conference of Physiotherapy Teachers 2020 organized by VVPF's College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar on 27th October, 2020. View Certificate

Scientific Presentation 2020

1. Following faculties presented scientific paper presentations in the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune on 27th to 29th October, 2020.
  1. Dr. Roopa Desai presented a paper on : A Comparative study: Muscle Energy Technique Vs Yogasana on iliopsoas tightness to improve flexibility and Range of motion in young adults...View Certificate

  2. Dr. Zafar Azeem presented a paper on: Therapist guided knowledge translation for improving patient adherence in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Practice...View Certificate

  3. Dr. Sanjivani Kamble presented a paper on: Immediate effect of ultrasonography guided dry needling on spastic soleous muscle...View Certificate

  4. Dr. Vidhi Shah presented a paper on: Uroflometry and surface electromyography in children with enuresis...View Certificate

  5. Dr. Divya Gohil presented a paper on: Matrix Rhythm therapy: A new innovation in management of low back pain...View Certificate

  6. Dr. Amita Aggarwal presented a paper on: Surface electromyography analysis of shoulder internal rotators in frozen shoulder – Case series...View Certificate

  7. Dr. Mrudula Sangaonkar presented a paper on: Immediate effect of matrix rhythm therapy in patient with adhesive capsulitis- A pilot study ...View Certificate

  8. Dr. Mayura Deshmukh presented a paper on: "Immediate effect of Primal Reflex Release Technique in Chronic Neck Pain Patient:A case Report ...View Certificate

2. Following PG students presented scientific paper presentations in the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune on 27th to 29th October, 2020:
  1. Akshata Dhuri Understanding outcome measures to assess patient centric problems in hypothyroidism

  2. Sanjana Mane: Recent trends in myofacial Release therapy , old wine in a new bottle!

  3. Savani Gokhale Music therapy as an adjunct to rehabilitation- A literature review

  4. Ashwini Nair Eff ect of suboccipital release technique in forward head posture

  5. Chaitanya Pathak Effectiveness of dry Needling on agility in recreational football player- A case study

  6. Mansi Deshpande A Holistic Approach for management of Dysmenorrhea: Need of the Hour

  7. G. Roopa Devi Influence of obesity on pulmonary function

  8. Anuja Bhutaney Reliability of a new cruciate hop test to determine limb symmetry in college basketball players

>> Following faculties presented scientific papers in 1st International Spine E conference- 2020 organized by Swarnim University on 28th-29th November 2020.

  1. Dr. Manisha Rathi presented a paper on "Effect of ion magnetum therapy on pain and range of motion in patients with mechanical low back pain: a pilot study

2. Dr. Roopa Desai presented a paper on "Correction of movement control impairment related to lumbo pelvic pain and dysfunction: a case report"

>> Following PG students presented scientific papers in 1st International Spine E conference- 2020 organized by Swarnim University on 28th-29th November 2020:

1. Dr. Chaitali Prabhu presented paper on "Effect of aquatic therapy on lumbar disc prolapse: a case study"

2. Dr. Mokshi Koul presented a paper on "Common clinical and functional outcome measures used in lumbar spine disc herniation: a review of literature"

3. Dr. Ruchita Kotak presented a paper on "Effect of Thoracic Manual therapy on Pulmonary Function Test- a review of literature"

4. Dr. Nehal Aggarwal presented a paper on "Effect of dry needling on clinical and functional outcome in spinal musculoskeletal conditions: a review of literature"

  1. Dr. Gaurang Baxi, Presented a paper on "Corelation of Foot Posture Index, Hip Strength and Flexibility

    Scientific Presentation Certificate
    Scientific Presentation Certificate

Following papers were presented during the 58th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Physiotherapists held on 6th- 8th March, 2020 at Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu:

  1. Dr. Gaurang Baxi, Presented a paper on "Corelation of Foot Posture Index, Hip Strength and Flexibility

    Scientific Presentation Certificate
    Scientific Presentation Certificate

  2. Dr. Preeti Gazbare, presented a paper on: "Prevalence of Cognitive Decline in Healthy Adults: a cross sectional survey"

    Scientific Presentation Certificate
    Scientific Presentation Certificate

  3. Dr. Zafar Azeem presented a paper on "A Scoping Review on Barefoot Training as an emerging trend towards Injury Prevention in Runners"

    Scientific Presentation Certificate
    Scientific Presentation Certificate

  4. Dr. Reema Joshi, presented a paper on " Quality of Life in females with urinary incontinence- a cross sectional study"

    Scientific Presentation Certificate
    Scientific Presentation Certificate
  5. Dr. Abha Khisty, presented a paper on ""Prevalence of cognitive impairment in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus."

    Scientific Presentation Certificate

Scientific Presentation 2019

  1. Dr. Gaurang Baxi presented a paper on Awareness of research and publication ethics among physiotherapy residents at National Conference on Health professionals education, Belgavi on 21st-23rd Nov 2019
  2. Dr. Tushar Palekar presented a paper on Patient safety in Electrotherapy at International Conference on Bioethics in Health Sciences - BIOETHICON 2019, held at SRM Medical College, Chennai on 8th-10th November 2019.
  3. Dr. Gaurang Baxi presented a paper on Student Led Ethical Case-Based Deliberations: A Model for Teaching Bioethics to Physiotherapy Post-Graduate Residents at International Conference on Bioethics in Health Sciences - BIOETHICON 2019, held at SRM Medical College, Chennai on 8th-10th November 2019.
  4. Dr.M. Vijayakumar, presented a paper on Exploration of cruciate hop test as a reliable and valid measure to assess functional stability of lower limb at THERACON 2019, International Physiotherapy Conference at Salem on 20th OCT 2019.
  5. Following papers were presented at the Interdisciplinary conference on 27th Aug. 2019 held at Dr. D.Y.Patil Medical Auditorium, Pune:
    1. Dr.Vidhi Shah presented a paper on Effect of eye exercise on visual reaction time in young adults
    2. Dr. Roopa Desai presented a paper on Effects of yogic eye exercises for myopia among students
    3. Dr. Chaitanyaa Wani presented a paper on Role of Yoga in Building Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength in Females
    4. Dr. Parita Kothari presented a paper on Effect of conventional physiotherapy treatment for patients with mechanical low back pain on kinesiophobia, pain & disability
    5. Dr. Amita Aggarwal presented a paper on Role of myofascial release technique on mobility and functional in Temporomandibular disorder patients with Neck Pain
    6. Dr. Abha Khisty presented a paper on Effect of Yogasana on peripheral reaction time in older adults with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
    7. Dr. Mrudula Sangaonkar presented a paper on Effectiveness of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Management by The Combination of Physiotherapy And Homeopathic Remedies as Compared To Physiotherapy Treatment Alone :A Clinical Study
    8. Dr. Akhil Samson presented a paper on Short term efficacy of an integrated approach using Spencer’s mobilization and Agni karma on Pain and functional disability in a patient with Shoulder Impingement Syndrome (SIS) - A case report
    9. Dr. Urvashi Sharma presented a paper on Immediate effect of Physiotherapy V/s Yoga on symptoms of dysmenorrhea
    10. Dr. Mayura Deshmukh presented a paper on Study on effect of neck muscle strengthening and ocular muscle training in smart phone users with neck pain
    11. Dr. Tushar Palekar presented a paper on Effectiveness of Rigid Taping for Medial Collateral Ligament Sprains in Football Players.
  6. Following papers were presented at 6thInternational conference and Expo on Novel Physiotherapies, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine on 19th&20th, August 2019 at London, UK:
    1. Dr Tushar Palekar presented on A study on the effect of Myofascial decompression using electrotherapeutic Vis-A-Vis mechanical vacuum therapy in non-specific low back pain among housekeeping staff
      Scientific Presentation Certificate
    2. Dr.Manisha Rathi presented on A Comparative study of Pilates exercise versus conventional balance training on balance and fear of falling in community dwelling elders
      Scientific Presentation Certificate
    3. Dr. Seema Saini presented on Effect of core muscle strengthening on pain and balance among patients with knee osteoarthritis: An Experimental Study
      Scientific Presentation Certificate
    4. Dr.Shilpa Khandare presented on Comparison of the effect of Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) and Mirror therapy on hand function in stroke patients. Scientific Presentation Certificate
  7. Following papers were presented at International conference on expanding domains of physiotherapy, Lovely University, Punjab, on 12th & 13th April 2019:
    1. Dr. Zaffar Azeem, presented on Barefoot vs shod walking: A scoping review on biomechanical differences and implications for performance enhancement and injury evaluation
    2. Dr. P. Muruganandam presented on Effect of underwater incremental treadmill exercise on pulmonary parameters in population with COPD
    3. Swati Marwah, PG Student, presented on Effect of kinesio taping in combination with oro motor facilitation on mouth closure in neurologically impaired children with drooling.
    4. Akshata Jain, PG Student, presented on Comparison of kinesiotaping,scapular taping and box taping on static scapular posture and pain due to latent trigger points in individuals with forward shoulder posture
    5. Janvi Desai, PG Student, presented on A study on the effect of mirror therapy as an adjunct to conventional rehabilitation in individuals with wrist fractures
    6. Ruchi Tailor, PG Student, presented on Correlation of cognition with balance,gait measurement and dual task performance in elderly people
    7. Batul Kothawala, PG Student, presented on The effect of whole-body vibration for intrinsic foot muscle training on medial longitudinal arch in young adults with flexible flatfeet: an experimental design
  8. Swati Marwah, PG Student, presented a paper on Effect of Kinesiotaping As An Adjunct To Oromotor Therapy On Drooling in Children With Neurologically Impairment at 7th International conference and exhibition on Physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation on 25th & 26th March 2019 at Rome, Italy Scientific Presentation Certificate
  9. Jalak Shah, PG Student, presented a paper on Effect of structured circuit training on balance in elderly women at Pune Public health Conference, on 15th -16th March 2019 at Pune
  10. Shivani Deshmukh, PG Student, presented a poster on Influence of high BMI on motor proficiency in school children at Pune Public health Conference, on 15th -16th March 2019, at Pune
  11. Dr. P. Muruganandam, presented a paper on Effect of underwater EXACTT treadmill protocol on pulmonary parameters and endurance in COPD at Sports Connect 2019, 2nd National Sports Conference of Physiotherapy on 3rd March 2019 at Janakpuri, Delhi
  12. Dr. SeemaSaini, presented a paper on To find the effectiveness of Pune shoulder rehab protocol (PSRP) on patient with frozen shoulder at 4th Annual conference of the Society of Indian Physiotherapist, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 15th to 17th February 2019. Scientific Presentation Certificate
  13. Dr. Gaurang Baxi, presented a paper on Normphobia among physiotherapy interns and its correlation with De- Quervain tenosynovitis at 4th Annual conference of the Society of Indian Physiotherapist, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 15th to 17th February 2019 Scientific Presentation Certificate
  14. Dr. Soumik Basu, presented a paper on Effectiveness of static taping on medial collateral ligament sprain of the knee in sports person at 4th Annual conference of the Society of Indian Physiotherapist, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 15th to 17th February 2019 Scientific Presentation Certificate
  15. Dr. Chinmaya Patra, presented a paper on Cervical High Velocity Thrust Manipulation over thoracic spine on lumbar pain and ROM at 57th Annual Conference of IAP, 1st&2nd February 2019, Bangalore.

Scientific Presentation 2018

1. Dr. Gaurang Baxi, presented a paper on Perception of Educational Environment of a Physiotherapy Post Graduate Curriculum using the DREEM at 10th National Conference on health professions Education from 15 to 17 Nov. 2018
2. Dr. Soumik Basu, presented a paper on Introducing Early Clinical Exposure in Physiotherapy: A boon or too soon? at 10th National Conference on health professions Education from 15 to 17 Nov. 2018
3. Dr. Tushar J. Palekar, presented a paper on Effect of pinch grip strengthening exercises and hand function among tea plantation workers at "6th World Congress On Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation held on 12-13 November 2018 at Dubai, UAE.
4. Dr. Manisha Rathi, presented a paper on Effect of whole body vibration on functional performance of lower extremity in elderly at "6th World Congress On Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation held on 12-13 November 2018 at Dubai, UAE.
5. Following posters were presented at 6th National Conference on Quality Improvement & Patient Safety at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Chinchwad, Pune on 28th & 29th July, 2018:
  1. Dr. P Muruganandam and Dr. Tanpreet Kaur presented on QIPS-VI on Quality Improvement & Patient Safety
  2. Ruchi Tailor , PG student, presented on QIPS-VI on Quality Improvement & Patient Safety
  3. Akshata Jain, PG Student & Dr. Gaurang Baxi presented on Safety Precautions in Electrotherapy
  4. Batul Kothawale, PG Student , Safety Precautions in Physiotherapy Practice

  1. Dr. Urvashi Sharma, presented a paper on “Effective of tens, Maitland mobilization and Exercise in Adhesive Capsulitis” at Indian Association of Physiotherapy United Conference For Professionals 2018 on 24-25 April 2018 at Constitution Club of India ,New Delhi.
  1. Nigel Gonsalves, PG student, presented a paper on "A comparison of two vestibular rehabilitation approaches for dizziness symptoms in hearing impaired children with vestibular dysfunction" at Himalaya Summit 2018 Conference on 6th& 7th April 2018 at Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences
  1. Nigel Gonsalves & Saurabh Sangole, PG student, presented a poster on "Development of a cost effective emg triggered muscle stimulator”at Himalaya Summit 2018 Conference on 6th& 7th April 2018 at Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences
  1. Following papers and posters were presented during the National Conference in update in electrotherapy Physiotronix at Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Pune on 10th March 2018:
  1. Dr. Ajay Malshikare presented a paper on Assessing Hand Grip Strength Of Indian Musicians
  2. Dr. AmitaAggarwal presented a paper on "Impaired mobility in postpartum females with pelvic pain"
  3. Dr. Tanpreet Kaur presented a paper on "Immediate effect of kinesio taping and mcconnell taping on pain and hand grip strength in lateral epicondylitis"
  4. MarikaMattos, Intern, presented a paper on "A Study On Matrix Rhythm Therapy Versus Combination Of Myofascial Release And Kinesio Taping On Upper Trapezius Trigger Points"
  5. Bhakti Shah, PG student, presented a paper on "Effect of Transcranial direct current stimulation on upperlimb function in stroke patients"
  6. Shipra Oza, Intern, presented a paper on " The immediate and carryover effect of matrix rhythm therapy on elbow flexors spasticity: A case study"
  7. Firdos Saiyyad, PG student, presented a paper on "Comparison of visual and verbal feedback on motor control in stroke patient"
  8. Namrata Rawtani, Intern, presented a paper on Acute Effects Of Matrix Rhythm Therapy Versus Passive Stretching On Hamstring Flexibility In Females
  9. Toral Bhanushali, PG student, presented a paper on Comparison of cawthrone Cooksey exercise and otago exercise on balance in young old.
  10. Akshata Jain, PG student, presented a paper on Proprioceptive Neuromuscular facilitation reduces pain and improves functional ability in subacromial impingement.
  11. Jyoti Vishwakarma, PG student, presented a paper on Evaluation of physical function status of critically ill patients using objective outcome measures.
  12. Nidhi Keniya, PG student, presented a paper on The effect of taping and proprioceptive training vs proprioceptive training alon on chronic ankle sprain in runners.
  13. Madhura Kadam, PG student, presented a paper on Comparison Of Therapist Assisted Balance Training With Balance Master Training On Risk Of Fall In Young Old Population
  14. Pooja Shah, PG student, presented a paper on Effect of Underwater Treadmill Training on Young Obese Adults
  15. Sayli Shinde, PG student , presented a paper on Effect Of Underwater Treadmill Training On Lower Extremity Strength, Muscle Endurance And Fatigue
  16. V.Jeevana Lakshmi, Intern, presented a paper on Effect of corrected Forward Head posture on static and dynamic Balance using motor control retraining.
  17. Jagruti Patil, PG student, presented a paper on Individual And Combined Effect Of Ultrasound Therapy And Cryokinetics In The Treatment Of De Quervains Tenosynovitis”
  18. Monisha Nair , PG student, presented a paper on Effect of underwater treadmill training on cardiovascular responses overweight subjects.
  19. Kalyanee Deshpande, PG student, presented a paper on To Compare Sensory Threshold, Pain Threshold And Vibration Perception On Hands In Road Diggers And Normal Individuals.
  20. Kritika Sinha, IV BPT student, presented a paper on Role of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Upperlimb Spasticity Management in Chronic stroke patient- A Case Study

National Conference in update in electrotherapy "Physiotronix" at Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Pune, on 10th March 2018:

  1. Swarada Kulkarni & NehaKulkarni, PG student, presented on A Comparative Study To Find Out The Effectiveness Of Active Cycle Breathing Technique Over Postural Drainage With Diaphragmatic Breathing In COPD Patients.
  2. Smruti Acharya, Intern, presented on Effects Of Core Strengthening On Balance In Cerebral Palsy Children
  3. Jalak K Shah & Nikhil Shah, PG student, presented on Effect Of Footwear On Balance And Gait In Men Aged Between 60 To 80 Years.
  4. Srishty Chhabra, PG student, presented on Effect Of Core Stability Exercises On Freestyle Swimmer’s Performance
  5. Krupal Modi, PG student, presented on Effect Of Multisensory Intervention (The ATVV) On Growth In Preterm Infant
  6. Megha Malu, PG student, presented on Efficacy Of Breathing Retrainer On Retraining Breathing Pattern, Dyspnea, Lung Function And Functional Capability In Patients With COPD.
  7. Veda Kekatpure, PG student, presented on Effect Of Progressive Resistance Training And Yoga Exercise In Females With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Control Trial”
  8. Sanika Shete, PG student, presented on Efficacy Of Suboccipital& Sternocleidomastoid Release Technique In Forward Head Posture Patients With Neck Pain.
  9. Aayushi Shah, PG student, presented on A Comparative Study Of Mulligan’s Mobilization Versus Sleeper Stretch On Internal Rotation In Individual With Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis.
  10. Saniya Waghmare & Pooja Hemnani, PG students, presented on Effect OF High Intensity Interval Training On Trampoline And Underwater: A Comparative Study
  11. Tina Thatai & Archana Jacob, PG students, presented on Effect Of Upper Limb Exercises On Writing Speed In Physiotherapy Students
  12. Mansi Ray, PG student, presented on Immediate Effect Of Muscle Energy Technique Versus Passive Stretching For Upper Trapezius Muscle on Neck Pain
  13. Abha Khisty, PG student, presented on Effect of Yogasana On Cognition And Reaction Time In Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  14. Aishwariya Dehadrai, PG student, presented on Exploration of cruciate hop test as a reliable and valid measures to assess functional stability in lowerlimb.
  15. Disha Assudani, PG student, presented on Reliability Of New Multicomponent Agility Test For Assessing Agility In Basketball Players: The Basketball Multicomponent Agility Test (BMAT)
  16. Shivani Deshmukh & Gurjit Singh, PG student, presented on Immediate effect of taping on foot progression angle(FPA) In patients with osteoarthritis
  17. Sayli Bhate, PG student, presented on Assessment Of Two Point Discrimination Distance Of Upper extremity in 25-30 Year Adults
  18. Kavita Gandhi, PG student, presented on Comparison between Effects of Swiss Ball Exercises Vs Conventional Back Exercises In Patients With Mechanical Low Back Pain
  19. Dhanashree Shinde, PG student, presented on Effect of chest PNF v/s body positioning on mechanically ventilated patients
  20. Ankita Rameshchand, PG student, presented on Effect of Buteyko breathing technique on cardio-respiratory parameters in hypertensive patients
  21. Nigel Gonsalves, PG student, presented on Comparison of two vestibular rehabilitation approaches on functional mobility in vestibular dysfunction.
  22. Sayed Sultan Ahmed, PG student, presented on Effects of Mulligan Taping On Trigger Points Of Trapezius Muscles
  23. Archana Jacob, PG student, presented on Assessment of physical fitness among high school children in pune city.

Scientific Presentation 2017

1. Dr. G. D. Vishnu Vardhan, Assistant Professor, Presented a paper on "Reliability and validity of Real Time Chest Expansion (RTCEX) device to measure chest expansion with Visual Feedback in International Physiocon 2017 at Mangalore in March 2017.

2. Dr. G. D. Vishnu Vardhan, Assistant Professor, Presented a paper on "Reliability and validity of Real Time Chest Expansion (RTCEX) device to measure chest expansion with Visual Feedback in 55th Annual Conference of IAP 2017 at Ranchi in February 2017.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

3. Dr. G. D. Vishnu Vardhan, Assistant Professor, Presented a paper on "Reliability and validity of Real Time Chest Expansion (RTCEX) device to measure chest expansion with Visual Feedback in International Physiocon Conference at Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu in January 2017. (pic: January 2017)
Scientific Presentation Certificate

Scientific Presentation 2015

1. Dr. Rashi Goel, Assistant Professor, won first prize in Essay competition on- ‘Practice of Hand Therapy- Indian V/s Global Scenario’ at 4th Annual National Conference of Society of Hand Therapy, India (SHT- I) held on 12th and 13th December, 2015 at B. J. Government Medical College and Sasoon General Hospital, Pune.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

2. Dr. Rashi Goel, Assistant Professor, gave oral presentation titled-: “Psychometric properties of Pneumatic Squeeze Bulb Dynamometer in measuring grip strength, endurance and their correlation with hand anthropometry.” at 4th Annual National Conference of Society of Hand Therapy, India (SHT- I) held on 12th and 13th December, 2015 at B. J. Government Medical College and Sasoon General Hospital, Pune.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

3. Dr. Amita Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, gave oral presentation titled:- “A Correlation Study: The Relationship between Body Mass Index & Upper Body Muscular Endurance in Physiotherapists” at 4th Annual National Conference of Society of Hand Therapy, India (SHT- I) held on 12th and 13th December, 2015 at B. J. Government Medical College and Sasoon General Hospital, Pune.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

4. Dr. Ajay Malshikare, Assistant Professor, gave oral presentation titled-“Screening of Performance Related Upper Limb Injuries Experienced by Indian Musicians” at 4th Annual National Conference of Society of Hand Therapy, India (SHT- I) held on 12th and 13th December, 2015 at B. J. Government Medical College and Sasoon General Hospital, Pune.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

5. Dr. Roopa Desai, Assistant Professor, presented a poster titled- “Effectiveness of Pain Release Phenomenon in DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis: A Case Study.” at 4th Annual National Conference of Society of Hand Therapy, India (SHT- I) held on 12th and 13th December, 2015 at B. J. Government Medical College and Sasoon General Hospital, Pune.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

6. Dr. Manisha Rathi, Professor, gave oral presentation titled “effect of home based exercises on body composition in urban and rural women” at 2nd National conference on WOMEN HEALTH “Challenges and Solutions” held on 28th and 29th November 2015 in Pune

7. Dr. Reema Joshi, Assistant Professor, presented a poster titled “Awareness Of Breast Feeding Techniques Among Health care professionals -cross sectional study” at 2nd National conference on WOMEN HEALTH “Challenges and Solutions” held on 28th and 29th November 2015 in Pune.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

8. Dr. Manisha Rathi, Professor presented a seminar on “Post Natal Rehabilitation” at 2nd Pune Physiocon 2015-State level physiotherapy Conference organized by Nobel Hospital, Pune on 5th 6th Sep., 2015.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

9. Dr. Rashi Goel, Assistant Professor gave a platform presentation on “Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury” at 2nd Pune Physiocon 2015-State level physiotherapy Conference organized by Nobel Hospital, Pune on 5th 6th Sep., 2015.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

10. Dr. Venus Pagare, Assistant Professor was invited as a speaker in Zonal Seminar on 1/08/2015 at IETE VSPM,Wagholi organized by Engineers forum. Topic was Wireless Sensor Network.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

Scientific Presentation 2014

1. Paper presentation by Dr. Venus Pagare (PT), Assistant Professor at International conference on musculoskeletal and manual physical therapy, 3rdto 5th July 2014, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

2. Poster presentation by Dr. Aarti Sareen (PT), Assistant Professor at FIMS XXXIII World Congress of Sports Medicine- Prevention to Performance, 18th to 21st June 2014, Quebec City, Quebec. Canada.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

3. National Conference of “Electrophysiology and Neurology trends in Electro diagnosis and Research ",D.Y.Patil University,Kolhapur.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

4. National Physiotherapy Conference "Physio Accord 2014", Bangalore, 17th - 18th Jan 2014.

Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

Scientific Presentation 2013

1. International Conference on "Developmental Pediatrics & Childhood disability in 21st century".Kasturba Medical College. Mangalore. 18th - 20th Dec,2013.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

2. 2nd international conference of "physical therapy", AIIMS, New Delhi. 14th - 15th Dec 2013.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

3. 7th "Gujarat State Conphycs 2013", Gujarat.18th -19th Oct 2013.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

4. Saveetha stride‘13, "International physiotherapy conference", Thadalam,Chennai. 18th - 19th Oct 2013.

5. 37th annual Conference of the Indian society for "surgery of the hand ISSHCON-2013".Pune. 20th -21st -22nd Sept 2013.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

6. 51st National Annual conference of "IAP.Goa". 22nd -23rd Feb 2013.
Scientific Presentation Certificate

7. "Scientifica 2013", Pune. 3rd Feb 2013.
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Scientific Presentation Certificate

8. "AIIMSPTCON 2012-2013",AIIMS, New Delhi. 19th - 20th Jan 2013
Scientific Presentation Certificate
Awards/ Honours/ Fellowships/ Unique Distinctions, etc. conferred on the Faculty/ Student at the national and international level by